Responsible Administrator
Last Update 01/24/2024
Completion Time 1 hour 32 minutes
Members 6
Business Development
  • odoo Recruitment
    • Recruit People | Odoo Recruitment
      10 xp
    • HR - Send Recruitment Forms to Applicants in Odoo
    • Manage Skills and Resumes | Odoo Employees
    • Employees' Appraisal | Odoo Appraisal
  • odoo eLearning
    • eLearning Basics | Odoo eLearning
    • Advanced eLearning | Odoo eLearning
  • odoo Surveys
    • Survey Questions and Sections | Odoo Surveys
  • odoo Website
    • Create Your Website | Odoo Website
  • odoo Publish
    • Content, Questions, and Publishing | Odoo eLearning
    • How to Build a Custom Module in Odoo 16 | Odoo 16 Development Tutorials | Odoo 16 Videos